single camera techniques


The inbetweeners is a series drama because episode is a diffrent story and dosent continue on from the last episode. this is a none linnear drama which dosent progress in the story line into another episode so it has something new to offer each time. the ending of the drama is closed, so it leaves the audince knowing the ending.

opening shot

The sequence starts with an estabishling shot to show the place where the next shot will take place. This lets the audince know what kind of enviroment it is, and they now can judge what to expect from the drama. The establishing shots are mostly used between ceratain amount of shots to remind the viewer where the action is taking place. The lighting in this scene is natural and contain soft colours.

over the shoukder

The next shot takes us to where the action is taking proceeding. In this case it is inside the house where the over the shoulder shot is used. Also a soft focus is also used to enhance the importance of these two charecters, which are the parents, and make the audince focus on them. in this scene we can see the costume that they are wearing, in this case it is casual clothing which suggests that these people are of workig or middle class. The lighting in this scene is bright with the use of artifial lighting, this makes the effect as if the light is coming out of the window and makes it look more natural.

pov shot

There is then a point of view shot to show the audince what the charecter is doing so that they ca engage in the action and get more imformation about the charecter like what things they like.

low anlge

There is then a low angle shot which is used to make the person above look more dominant, in this case it is more obvious that it is the teacher who is more important, we can also see this from the suit he is wearing.


The night watch is a one off series drama. The genre of this tv drama is drama. It is a flashback tv drama because it is told backwards. This drama is about the stereotypes being judged in the year 1947. this drama epically centres on homosexuals and abortion in those years. These two were not legal at that time and if the relationships like that were shown and expressed in front of people or attempting an abortion, would get some sort of consequence to deal with.


This drama is about four women, three of them were in a relationship with one another, and the realtionships were based on lies and cheating and dramitcally ended. One of these women had a secret abortion which went wrong, this only concludes abortion being illegal.this drama is set in london in the year 1944/1947, iconography like the red telephone box also tells us that it is britain. The sequnce opens with a zoom into the window, this helps the audince see what kind of place thecharecter is living in, the image of a person standing in the window and the idea of the camera closing into the charecter also makes the mood and atmosphere rather eerie.

Capture 1

Later on in the drama oral flashback has been used when the woman saw a green door with the sign on it, this caused her memories to comeback and she started reminising which then took us to that certain moment that she remembered.


Close ups like the close up of the scirrcors were used suggesting she will do something to herself which was unpredicatbale, this was proved when a mid close up is used to show her cutting her hair, this also lets the audince see her facial expression which shows the feelings that she has towards and they are neagtive and she is trying to get rid of the sad memories. Her sadness is also expressed by the alcahol bottle placed on the table in front of her, this suggests she is depressed and wants to relive her pain with a depressant. There is also a close up to show the charecters ahnds so that the audince can see what she is doing.


Occasionaly a soft focus is used in a two person shot or an over the shoulder shot to give the feeling of the importance of the charecter that the camera is focused on.


Three mid shots ahve been used when the women have a conversation in the park, it gives the feeling that the audince are actually walking with them but also looking and listening to each charecter. These mid shots also have been used to give each charecter a individual feeling and expression. A point of view shot has been used to watch one of the women walking away, this suggest that there might have been some sort of relationship between the two before. the lighting of the whole sequence is dull and gloomy it is because the drama itself is not a very happy drama, these kind of colourless colours are used to represent the moodwhich is joyless,cold and depressed, it is used to create more of a dranmatic effect. The dark clothing that the main charecter is wearing (a suit and a long coat) makes her look more masculine as all her femine feautres have been dragged out of her by the big shapeless clothes.

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