student of the year editing process review day 3

today we was getting quite far in the editing process and we started to add some video transitions on to them. the effects we decided to use was cross fade and dip to white, the reason why we chose these effects is due to the fact that they looked the most effective when we was trying out all the different transitions. also they are the most generic transitions and they are quite popular and kind of look like natural ones. after this we decided to put a graphic that jake made on adobe after effects, he did this by using the effects flicker color and bars blinky and fly in behind camera 3-d. also on the graphic he put a h-d bubble background to make it look more professional. and finally we put the Blackpool and fylde logo in the top right corner. he used a keyframes at the start and turned the opacity down to 0% and at the end turned it back up to 100%, to make it fade it to the graphic. we put all the edits together and started to create a introduction to the video by adding the motion graphic at the start with short clips of each of the students. we exported a small clip of the edit we had done to prove to the tutors that we had accomplished something.

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