student of the year editing process review day 2

today we decided that jake was going to edit the footage whilst i help him by giving him suggestions to the editing style. the parts of the footage we edited was the interviews from performing arts and health and social care, these are relativly diffrent sorts of people but the marketing department dont wont the same sort of things one by one beacsue it would look boring and samey. also we cut down the shots so that we had a few to put into the video when we had finished. we started to put the videos together today to see what videos fit each other, and so that the same groups of students were with each other. but we didn’t want all of the groups together as we wanted to put them in a different order so that it didn’t really run in order so that the viewer didn’t get bored. we also was trying to find a audio track the first one we thought of was pompeii by bastille but when we listened to the audio track on its own it didn’t sound very good. the next one that i found was choclate by the 1975s we eventually chose this song due to the fact that it had a slow start and then it starts to build up as the song develops. 

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