student of the year editing process review day 3

today we was getting quite far in the editing process and we started to add some video transitions on to them. the effects we decided to use was cross fade and dip to white, the reason why we chose these effects is due to the fact that they looked the most effective when we was trying out all the different transitions. also they are the most generic transitions and they are quite popular and kind of look like natural ones. after this we decided to put a graphic that jake made on adobe after effects, he did this by using the effects flicker color and bars blinky and fly in behind camera 3-d. also on the graphic he put a h-d bubble background to make it look more professional. and finally we put the Blackpool and fylde logo in the top right corner. he used a keyframes at the start and turned the opacity down to 0% and at the end turned it back up to 100%, to make it fade it to the graphic. we put all the edits together and started to create a introduction to the video by adding the motion graphic at the start with short clips of each of the students. we exported a small clip of the edit we had done to prove to the tutors that we had accomplished something.

student of the year editing process review day 2

today we decided that jake was going to edit the footage whilst i help him by giving him suggestions to the editing style. the parts of the footage we edited was the interviews from performing arts and health and social care, these are relativly diffrent sorts of people but the marketing department dont wont the same sort of things one by one beacsue it would look boring and samey. also we cut down the shots so that we had a few to put into the video when we had finished. we started to put the videos together today to see what videos fit each other, and so that the same groups of students were with each other. but we didn’t want all of the groups together as we wanted to put them in a different order so that it didn’t really run in order so that the viewer didn’t get bored. we also was trying to find a audio track the first one we thought of was pompeii by bastille but when we listened to the audio track on its own it didn’t sound very good. the next one that i found was choclate by the 1975s we eventually chose this song due to the fact that it had a slow start and then it starts to build up as the song develops. 

student of the year editing process review day 1

the first thing that we did was to transfer the footage that was on the mac book at the front of the classroom. this was very time consuming as the file size was quite big. when this was finished after about half an hour of waiting we then attached our hard drives to our own mac books. there was an issue with doing the editing today as one of my team members was out filming there music video today as this was the only time they could shoot in the location that they required.


after the footage transfered from the hard drive to the computer, we decided what format we was going to edit in 720p 25 frames per second, this was so that we got a clear image and there was no lag because we actually shot in full hd, so we needed it to match up. after this we decided which bits of footage we were each going to do, i took the first two days and jake took the second two days, this was so that we had less footage to edit so that we saved a lot more time due to the fact as we didnt have as many videos to cut down. once we cut all the videos down we was going to put them all together to create one video.

seen as though there was so much footage i started to edit down the clips so that they were shorter and much more easy to edit.





student of the year day 4- review

in todays session it was our last time to film the students, we went to the bispham campus at 12pm. we knew that we had three groups to film the ones that my group had to film were a student that had been nominated from construction for plastering, and then we had to do some establishing shots of the campus. when we arrived at the constuction part of the campus we had to wait for about five minutes for the student to arrive and then he came and we set up a scenario for him to just start plastering a wall. we did a focus pull shot through a sort of whole in the wall, this i think looked quite creative and a nice shot. also we set up a close up shot of the students face as he was plastering the wall. next we did some establishing shots the first one that we did was a shot from the ground that was aimed at peoples feet as they were walking down the corridor. next we used the same corridor but this time we did a shot from the shoulders and made it so it was focused at the front and out of focus in the foreground. after this we did a tilt shot that we used in the previous day and that was were we started at the ceiling and tilted down to reveal the rest of the room. but this we started really zoomed in on the ceiling and then  we tilted down but whilst doing so we zoomed out. after this we met up with the rest of the teams to discuss what shots they did.


student of the year planning

we was given a task by marketing to come up with a 5-6 minute video for the student of the year award. the first thing that we did was to hire out the meeting room that is used by the staff. this was to discuss things that we was going to do like the ideas, risk assessments, schedules and the shots that we was going to use. 

we used our notebooks to write down our ideas, this was a good way of keeping all our ideas. we had a whiteboard and this is what we used to plan out our schedules and the way that the filming process is going to happen. the way that i had my own input was to suggest that when editing we split the screens down the middle so that it was less time consuming and looked more visually pleasing. another thing that i suggested is to have a call sheet for all the cast and crew so that we could stay in touch with each other. the graphics that we was going to use was the blackpool anf fylde college logo and the student of the year logo that the marketing people had made. there wasnt really a colour scheme that we had to use.