genres in media text

: a way of categorizing a particular media but according to its content and the style in  which it is presented.

genre does not really rely on what is in media text but the way it is pit together. a media text is said to belong to a certain genre, in that it adopts  the codes and conventions of other texts in that genre, and behaves and looks in almost the same sort of way. and the general lay out of the whole persona is similar to others labeled in that category. for example a program on premier league football can be compared to that of the match magazine as they they are both under the category of sport.


the style of a movie/film follows a certain convention in the way that they are constructed. in a magazine there is usually some sort of contents page at the start before any of the articles. or in a romantic comedy there is usually a wedding or a some sort of happy event at the end of the film.


audiences have a certain set of expectations as to what a genre text will contain in terms of the characters use the costumes and the actors who are in the film. this makes sure that the viewer knows what sort of film that they are watching and gives them a clear picture as to what they expect from that certain film.

media platforms

this is the technology in which we receive the media products for example, broadcasting, print or e-media. for example in a film trailer were there is a build of suspense that shows the emotion of people builds up the suspense to the rest of the film, this would be known as a disaster movie.

media forms

the distinguishing charecterictics of difrent types of media product for example, if there was a scene that contained some sort of blood and gore then this would be cartogized as horror or thriller. or if there is a room with two people sitting at a desk and a there is text rolling across the screen then this would be a news report of some sort.

how to identify a media form in a trailer

– Short in length
-Clips from film
– date of release
– “Coming soon!”
– mini narrative
these will all follow the codes and conventions or the characteristics  of the genre.
how to identify a media form in form news
-bbc english events
– local and national news
-dramatic soundtrack
-weather reports
-guest talkers
it is important to look at the iconography of the text because this will help you identify the genre.
definition of iconography-  the particular signs we associate with particular genres, such as physical attributes and dress of actors, the settings and typical props (cars, guns etc)
expectations of media
Audiences understand genre through their familiarity with the codes and conventions used in the text. They take pleasure in familiarity as well as anticipating a new twist.
They enjoy the mixture of repetition and variation and find it reassuring.
genre- the chick flick
– formulated romantic comedies
– tear jerkers
-family crisis
– empowered females
– female bonding situations
-female character or heroine.
Genres develop and change with changes in technology, popular culture and the nature of audiences. Producers have to continually come up with something fresh to keep audiences entertained. Genres that are a mixture of existing ones are called HYBRID GENRES. for example, twilight is under the genre of teenage, but its also falls into romance, horror, fantasy and vampire movie.
genres                                 sub genres                                       hybrids
Horror                                  supernatural                                       docusoap
crime                                     film noir                                              reality/gameshow
western                                chick flicks                                          romantic comedy
comedy                                 tear jerkers                                          teenage slasher/comedy
action                                   disaster
thriller                                  spy
sci fi                                      fantasy
 many texts used today are post modern. ideas, styles and icons are taken from another medium and reworked into a new text. this is called intertextuality. audiences enjoy recognizing and understanding other texts that have got inspiration from others.advertisers rely on out recognition of intertextuality in order to get their message across in a short space of time.
INTERTEXTUALITY – the way in which texts refer to other media texts that producers assume audiences will recognize.
dance- chris brown emulates moves that Michael jackson once did
music- remixes to popular songs, mixing songs that have become popular. mash ups in glee.
film- scary movie borrows clips from other horror movies to create comedy.
fashion- lady gaga is influenced by madonna.
intertextuality is not always obvious, references can only be recognized if you know what they are referring to. cultural, social and linguistic limitations. people bring their own experiences to the text. examples are such things like when harry met sally and this has been used in family guy and a pg. tips advert. people might not recognize the reference in these two because are not very clear.
The Simpsons And The Clockwork Orange
Edward Munch (The Scream)                             Homer Simpson (The Scream)
shrek is an animation, there are two levels in this movie the first is a simple childrens story. and the second is full of references and quotes (intertextuality) that are probabaly only decoded by adult.
shrek and Popular culture
burger prince- burger king
olde knavery- old navy
far far away sign- hollywood sign
saxon fifth avenue- saks fifth avenue
versarchey- versace
gap queen- gap kids
farbucks coffee- starbucks
shrek and fairy tales
once upon a time
happily ever after
good vs bad
hansel and Gretel
red riding hood
peter pan
beauty and the beast
shrek and popular culture
kings are from mars, queens are from venus
the oscars award ceremony
mask of zorro
mission impossible
Screen shot 2013-04-18 at 4.02.54 PM Screen shot 2013-04-18 at 4.03.26 PM Screen shot 2013-04-18 at 4.03.47 PM Screen shot 2013-04-18 at 4.03.38 PM
in order for a media text to be promoted successfully, it is advertised quite alot. trailers on tv for programs shown later in the schedule. documentary “exclusives” advertised on the news. trailers for new films in the cinema shown on tv. celebrity news stories in the press linked to promotion of a new book/album/film.
parody and homage
parody- aims to mock an original in a critical way, can only be effective through our knowledge of the text or genre that is being parodied. homage suggests respect for a particular text, acknowledging the power and importance of the orginal by imitating it. homage is often experineced in the cinema where a director will deliberately create a scene intertextual elements combine to pay respect to an earlier creation

draft script for voiceover (goodfellas)

This scene is portrayed through the eyes of henrys wife Karen, who is also narrating this scene. In this part of the film, henry is at the height of his mob career. The scene starts off when the pair sees that the line is too long to get into the club. Henry then takes Karen through a side door, which is the employees entrance, and a sort of behind the scenes area to the Copacabana club.


The camera goes quite close to his face so that the viewer can get a good sighting of henrys emotions whilst he is doing this because he is very happy at his moment in the film.  The steadicam reveals how respected henry is in the area. Once through the kitchen of the club, they walk inside to see that all the tables are full. The camera then switches to the view of the restaurant boss, who shows his power by pointing to an empty spot in the floor. Then the waiters are seen to come out of nowhere with a table and a lamp. After they finally sit down, she asks him what he does for a living and henry calmly says I’m in construction. Again the camera is quite close to the actor and this shows henrys dominance due to the fact that the camera seems to be shying away from him.  The most notable aspect of this entire scene is martin scoreceses use of cinematography; the scene is barely 3 minutes long. The lighting in this scene is very dark to show that there is a dark side to the Copacabana as it is later shown in the film, but the viewer is focused on the tables as the lamps on the table show the only amount of bright light in the shot. During the entire scene one camera follows the pair around the different areas of the club. The camera is only a few feet behind the couple, which puts the viewer at a personal distance. The camera flows and glides through the scene. The camera movements end when the couple sit down at a table. This stedicam shot, which lasts just over 3 minutes, is a stunning example of how camera movement can reveal character. The steadicam removes the need for edits and shows henry hills rising power and control.  The scene only needed seven takes, which is surprising for the amount of choreography that would have had to go into making it.  The lighting is also used very well when it comes to difficulty because the characters actually walk through five different lighting scenarios from outside to silhouette to the deep red corridor, to the bright grey kitchen area and then to the dark club itself.